Altans Wallet is a non-custodial wallet that safely secures your crypto and makes it simple to recover.
You are the only one that can access your digital assets, manage your private keys or mnemonic phrases.
You can also use Altans Wallet to exchange, send and receive crypto. You can track your favorite coins, see real-time prices, access graphs and historical data.
The technology powering Altans Wallet's wallet is threshold signatures. With threshold signatures, multiple parties must cooperate to initiate a crypto transaction. The Altans Wallet wallet uses a two-of-two signature system, always requiring two “shares” to sign any transaction.
Using a distributed key generation and signing protocol, one share is stored on the user’s mobile phone and the other on our server. Both shares are always required to sign transactions, so even if something happens to one of them, your digital assets are always safe.
Altans Wallet is completely free for anyone to store, send and receive crypto. In the future we may charge for our service, but we'll make sure to let you know in advance.
Altans Wallet does not make any money when you send, receive and exchange your crypto. The processing and network fees for these transactions are paid directly to our partners and to the miners that process and verify your transactions.
No matter what happens, you will always be able to recover wallet and access your digital assets. Your digital assets are always safe, you are the only one that can recover your wallet and you are the only one with custody of your assets.
Did you lose your phone? Deleted our app? Got a new phone? as long as you have your 12 word recovery phrase you can always gain access to your wallet.
We don't change any fees to use Altans Wallet. Anyone can use our app it's completely free.
When you receive, convert or send crypto you will use our partners and you will have to pay the processing fees and network fees to the miners that verify your transactions.
Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency transactions need to be confirmed on blockchain before they show up in your wallet. Due to the nature of blockchains, transaction times vary and can take anywhere from 10 minutes to a few hours.